How do you politely ask for LinkedIn Recommendations?

How do you ask for a professional recommendation?

LinkedIn is the world’s largest social network for professionals on the internet. And the benefits of having a complete LinkedIn profile is a known secret to the professional community. Over the past many years, LinkedIn has been the first choice of recruiters and hiring managers while it provides a strong and reliable network for professionals to display their resume, search jobs, and enhance professional reputation by posting updates and interacting with like minded professionals.

It’s the right place to show off all the great things people have to say about you. In fact, it’s believed that LinkedIn recommendations are an exceptional selling point for those who would like to hire. As a part of background checking process, recruiters like to know what others think about their shortlisted candidate.

How to ask for a LinkedIn Recommendation?

  • Click the MeĀ icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  • SelectĀ View profile.
  • Scroll down to theĀ RecommendationsĀ section and clickĀ Ask to be recommended.
  • Type the name of the connection you’d like to ask for a recommendation in theĀ Who do you want to ask?Ā field.
  • Select the name from the dropdown that appears.
  • Fill out theĀ RelationshipĀ andĀ Position at the timeĀ fields of the recommendations pop-up window, and clickĀ Next.
  • You can include a personalized message with your request by changing the text in the message field.
  • ClickĀ Send?


Note: the Pop-Up or Lightbox form will provide you with a default script: ā€œHi [connection_name], can you write me a recommendation?ā€ Make sure to delete this default message and add your own with a personalized touch. The more personalized you can make your request, the better and higher the chances of getting a response. Add reference to common projects and experiences and remind them of your connection and why they might want to recommend you.


Whom to ask for a LinkedIn Recommendation?

As a rule of thumb, you should ask for LinkedIn recommendations from credible people who can honestly vouch for you and your services. It can be an important client, old boss or reporting manager, or a close colleague working in the same organization under the same or different group. Do not approach strangers or people who hardly know you or haven’t worked with you.


When is the right time to ask for a LinkedIn Recommendation?

There is no perfect time to ask for a LinkedIn Recommendation. You can ask for one at anytime. I would however suggest to leverage upon the following situations for a more powerful recommendation:

  1. When you just finished a successful project with your co-workers, team lead and client. You can ask them for a recommendation about yourself at LinkedIn.
  2. Asking the HR manager of your organization of a LinkedIn recommendation after a performance review.

Don’t ask too many people at a time, because LinkedIn recommendations are date stamped. And recruiters do notice if your recommendations are added almost at the same time or not. Don’t Hurry! A beautiful looking fruit bearing tree doesn’t grow in a single day. Similarly, let your list of recommendations grow slowly yet steadily with time


What’s the best way to make a LinkedIn Recommendation request?

  1. Give to Get ā€“ In my opinion, the best way to get LinkedIn recommendations is to give them first. When you recommend a LinkedIn member, you are already attracting their attention and people love being praised and recommended. There is a high chance that they will probably reciprocate if you take some of your valuable time to help them out.Once you have completed the recommendation, let the LinkedIn member know why you thought of writing for them (don’t forget to add some specifics underlying your positive views of their work) and finally ask if they might consider writing a recommendation for you.

Below are some relationship specific LinkedIn Recommendation samples:

A. Connection_Name reported directly to you

[connection_name] did a great job growing [company] presence in terms of [add an accomplishment]. She started working with me as a [role] to grow [company] presence in the [country] market. The role included [add task one], [add task two] and [add task three], and later expanded her role into [add the new role].
She also diligently ensures that her KPIs are updated and tracked, which helped me understand what went well and what did not. I am sure [name] will achieve great things in her career.


Iā€™m amazed by [connection_name]ā€™s ability to [add a skill], a skill he uses to his benefit when making presentations to clients and colleagues.
He is a highly focused person as well as analytical and can add to any team he is a part of.
His energy to make things happen was contagious and it helped us achieve great goals. One of the best analysts we had for sure.


[connection_name] is the best at [add a skill ]. He is well organized, diligent, and a fast learner. All these attributes were critical when trying to [add something the person did], which involves reaching out to a lot of people. Being a fast learner helped him understand the market fit and quickly choose the right path to success.
It was a pleasure to work with [connection_name]


[connection_name] is my go-to [expertise]. Whenever I need [add description] I make sure to reach out to her, as she is the best at it. She has been collaborating with my team for a couple of years, and on top of being a great [role], she is also an easy-going person.
I definitely recommend [name] to any job.


B. Connection_Name managed your directly

[connection_name] is a great manager! During [x] years, I had the pleasure of working on the same project, and he leads by example.
He always kept the team motivated and shared knowledge. I believe he is one of the best managers I ever had, as his people skills are highly developed.
His ability to deal with a crisis and come up with new ways to achieve results were always an inspiration. Iā€™m delighted I had the chance to learn from [name].


[connection_name] is such a nice person to have around. He is not only a great colleague but also a very good [expertise] with over [XX] years of valuable experience.
He is very creative, hands-on, and organized. He is the guy to go to when you need help with [add a skill] or [add another skill] and is always open to discuss ideas and suggestions. I learned a lot about leadership from [name], and it was a pleasure to be managed by him for [XX] years.


[connection_name] brings all her skills and abilities to the table as a manager. She is reliable and very goal-oriented, which inspired our team to try our best always. The other characteristics that made her such a great manager were her analytical capacity and kindness. She knows how to bring the best out of each person and is an outstanding mentor.


C. You worked with Connection_Name in the same group

[connection_name] was a great professional to work with. We worked together at [company] and he helped me a lot to get started and also to understand internal processes.
His work ethics is immaculate and so easy to work together with. He goes out of his way when you ask for some help and guidance.
Thanks a lot, [connection_name]! You made the transition relatively smooth for me and was very helpful.


Weā€™ve worked together on several projects and [connection_name] is one of the best people to have as a partner. I highly recommend her to [expertise], as she is very [add positive note].
Her ability to [add a skill] helped us during hard times and we were able to innovate.
She knows how to help her pairs and get the best out of them.


[connection_name]ā€™s job was to [add main responsibility]. His deliveries were always very well executed, on time and flawless.
He was an inspiration to the rest of us as he always went the extra mile and found great ways to quickly solve problems.
Iā€™d definitely work with [connection_name] again.


There is no better [role] in the world. [connection_name] is one of the most dedicated professionals Iā€™ve worked with and is willing to go the extra mile to help you when needed.
His expertise as [add it] is considerable and it helped our team to come up with more efficient solutions and develop different projects.
His contributions were really valuable to the community. I highly recommend [connection_name] as a [expertise] and would love to work together again.


D. Connection_Name worked with you but in different groups

[connection_name] is amazing at his job! He knows his way around people, he is good with the clients, does whatever it takes to help colleagues and gets things done.
He makes sure that everyone is on the same page and focused on the main goal. The collaboration was very smooth and his assistance definitely made a huge impact on our success.
[connection_name] is a great professional!


We collaborated for [xx] years and it was a great honor to learn from [connection_name]. He is one of the best in his field and is always willing to share best practices.
His industry knowledge helped us increase sales, minimize expenses and improve the department planning. He is also very responsible and detail-oriented, qualities that make him stand out.
I loved working in the same project as [connection_name] and I wish him the best in all his endeavors.


During the short period we collaborated in the same project I noticed that [connection_name] is very good with people and has the ability to maximize their potential.
He was always very committed and focused on delivering on time. He was a top performer and inspired us to give our best.
I was impressed by his [add a skill] and [skill #2]. Anyone would be lucky to have [connection_name] as a colleague.


[connection_name] is my favorite [role]! She is always available to help us when needed, she strives for excellence and is a valuable team player.
Her strongest qualities are [skills #1] and [skill #2], which were very helpful to the project we worked on together.
She has the ability to work on multiple tasks and still be focused and deliver quality work. I can easily say she is one of the best in her field.


E. Connection_Name was a client of yours

Not many people can handle market trade-offs as [connection_name] can. He was always very patient, solution-oriented and there was nothing he couldnā€™t solve it.
He is also very kind and easy to deal with, which made our relationship smooth as he allowed me to make suggestions and decisions on my own.
What a great professional to have as a client.


[connection_name] might be the most analytical person I know. She is always fast to respond, intelligent and comes up with creative solutions to difficult problems.
Assisting her was a smooth and organized process. She was always available when needed and did not hesitate to share her market knowledge.
Iā€™d gladly work with [connection_name] again.


2. Don’t shy – Ask Directly ā€“ It’s quite easy to request a recommendation to one of your existing connections via LinkedIn’s messaging system.

Personally, I don’t like the default message ‘Hi [connection_name], could you write me a recommendation?’ Instead, customize your message by asking the person to recommend you if they can and if they have the time. Also, include within a few lines about why you think their recommendation is important for you and you’re looking forward to it.For example: “Hey Toby, I though you might be kind enough to write a LinkedIn recommendation for me given our successful project completion for your business. As a happy client, your positive recommendation matters a lot to me and for people who’re planning to work with me.”


Below are few LinkedIn Recommendation Request Samples, you may try:


Dear Nancy,

I hope this message finds you doing great! It was great running into you again – it brought to mind the fun and crazy times when we worked together, like those all-nighters we pulled to make sure those projections were as accurate as possible.

Iā€™m in the process of updating my LinkedIn profile, and it would feel incomplete without a Recommendation from you. When we worked together, I felt I really demonstrated my value and skills, especially with the vendor review in which I was able to shave half a million off our year on year expenses by finding alternatives and influencing skills.

Because of a new direction, I hope to take professionally, Iā€™d like to emphasize my influencing skills. If you could speak to that accomplishment, it would be especially helpful to me.

If you arenā€™t comfortable making such a statement – obviously itā€™s been a little while since we worked together – I certainly would understand that.

Either way, have a great day!



Hi Billy,

I hope everythingā€™s going well in Cincinnati!

Iā€™m writing to ask if youā€™d be willing to write a LinkedIn recommendation for me that highlights my crisis communications skills. Ideally, Iā€™d love for you to outline the experience you had with me through the #InsideAR Conference last year in Munich. Iā€™m working hard to transition into a senior communications role, and most of the employers Iā€™m considering put a strong focus on crisis communications.

Looking forward to your recommendation. Thanks.


Dear Ellen,

I hope all is great with you. I would like to reach out to you through LinkedIn to request a recommendation for the work I did when I was when I was on your team. The projects you assigned me allowed me to be the most creative I have ever been in my career. I am so appreciative of the opportunity you gave me to lead and manage others ā€“ it was a valuable growth experience for me.

I know you are really busy, so Iā€™d be happy to send you a draft recommendation you can edit (or of course, just ignore).

Thanks in advance for your support.




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